Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania

The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania is a museum based in Lancaster County, Pa. They have a wide variety of Historical Railroad equipment. There is an indoor climate controlled building that houses many PRR steam engines, the last surviving E7, a GG1 ( blackjack ) and many more. They have over 100 locomotives and rail cars on dispaly. There is also many pieces of equipment outside of the museum hall that you can look at. The Strasburg Railroad offer daily excursions behind two vintage steam engines that travel out to Amtrak's Electrified Mainline. ( former PRR Electrified Mainline ) There is also one of the most famous steam engines known around the world there and his name is THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE. The Strasburg Railroad is an active railroad and still does interchange with Norfolk Southern at the end of there line. This is still a very active railroad so while touring the grounds please be respectful and use caution. For times the museum is open and when there is train rides, you can visit the websites below for more information.
Below is a gallery of photo's taken at the museum. All the photo's were either taken by Matthew Miller or Mike P. and are the property of the photographers. Duplication or reproduction of these photo's are prohibited. If you want copies please contact the owner of the website.
Below is a gallery of photo's taken at the museum. All the photo's were either taken by Matthew Miller or Mike P. and are the property of the photographers. Duplication or reproduction of these photo's are prohibited. If you want copies please contact the owner of the website.