WEBSITE DISCLAIMER Please Read The Information Below
1. This site is not intended for to be used to defame,degrade, or antagonize NORFOLK SOUTHERN. The site is strictly used for informational and entertainment uses only.
2. If you have any photos, ideas, articles or other information you would like to contribute, it would be very much appreciated! You will be given full credit for any and all material that you submit . When submitting photos , please include your name, type of locomotive or rolling stock and if possible date and location was taken. Also any comments about the website are encouraged too. Don't worry if you dont think you photos are not perfect, send them anyway. Any picture of norfolk southern locomotoves or rolling stock, is in our opinion a good photo, and we would like all of you invloved , weather you are a railfan, modelers or just like NORFOLK SOUTHERN. Anyway you care to care to contribute would be helpfull.
3. All photos are not to be to be reproduced duplicated or published in any fashion with out express consent from the person who took the photo and the website administrator.
4. The website will be updated with photos and information as soon as its received , or at least within a few days of receiving it. thank you for taking the time to look at this site and we hope to hear from you.
5. Due to recent problems with a contributing member the entire website is under construction. The person's photo's are being removed at this time. We are sorry to lose a contributor but an agreement could not be met. If you find any of your photo's on here please contact the administrator right away and the proper action will be taken to remove the photo's and person responsible for this.
6. All photo's on this website are solely the property of the photographer and therefor are copyrighted. Reproduction of these photo's on Norfolk Southern Cyclopedia is strictly prohibited. If photo's are taken from this website we will take the proper action towards the person involved. We ask that you do not copy any of the photo's here. This website is for you to view and take the time to enjoy other's work.